Seminars to drivers
Tacho Hellas, standing by the new drivers, offers at no cost seminars for training drivers regarding digital tachographs by certified trainers.
The driver seminars begun in March 2009 and since then, hundreds of drivers have attended our seminars exhibiting drivers’ necessity for authoritative knowledge.
The driver seminar duration is 3,5 hours and consists of the following topics:
- Digital tachograph use and functioning
- Legislation updates
- Digital tachograph and driver card data download
- Digital tachograph and driver card data analysis At the end of the seminar, a discussion follows based on attendants’ questions.
If you are a driver and you are willing to participate at the next driver seminar, please, come into contact with us.
Seminars to transport companies
Apart from driver training, Tacho Hellas organizes training seminars for transport companies and fleet managers, by certified trainers.
During those sessions, emphasis is given to issues related to fleet management, such as:
- Digital tachograph legislation and its updates
- Transport company obligations
- Fleet management
- Digital tachograph and driver card data downloading
- Digital tachograph and driver card data analysis
The duration of the seminars for transport companies is not predefined since each seminar is specially designed according to each company needs. The participation cost is defined after communication with our personnel.
Workshop seminars

The third type of seminars for digital tachographs is designed for tachograph workshops.
Tacho Hellas has all the appropriate certifications (Master training ) and the necessary now-how for performing workshop seminars since our trainers are also digital tachograph technicians themselves, i.e. they perform digital tachograph installations, calibrations and repairs.
This unique combination of trainer – technician is unique in Greece and ensures success in confronting technical and practical digital tachograph problems.
The workshop tachographs are designed according to the requirements set by Greek regulation 22802/1629/2008 (ΦΕΚ Β’ 861/13.05.2008) for training of digital tachograph technicians.
The seminars consist of theoretical and practical part and their total duration is 20 hours.
The theoretical part consists of presentations and videos for the following themes:
- Digital tachograph legislation and its updates
- Digital tachograph (control unit, motion sensor, cables)
- Digital tachograph cards
- Use and functioning of the digital tachograph (choices, display, printings)
- UTC and local time
- Digital tachograph installation
- Digital tachograph calibration
- Digital tachograph inspection
- Control unit sealing
- Software
- Digital tachograph good functioning certificate
- Digital tachograph and driver card data downloading
- Digital tachograph and driver card data analysis
At the end of the seminar, all questions and issues set by the participants are thoroughly discussed.
The practical part of the seminar consists of practical training of the technicians with special DEMO devices and under real conditions at heavy vehicles.
All the participants, at the end of the seminar, receive certifications for attending the digital tachograph workshop seminar.